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Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.

Maya Angelou

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UPCOMING COURSES - Learn More to Help More!

The Post Crisis Counselor Training bases the course with knowledge of clinical psychology, which gears students with skills for psychotherapy including Trauma Psycho-assessment, Trauma Psychological counseling skills, Trauma Psychotherapeutic skills & all the related skills for trauma psychology which help the people after traumatic event as stipulated by the MHPSS guideline of the Inter-agency Standing Committee which setup the standard amoung the humanitarian agencies of the United Nations.

"I don't have the ability to prevent natural disasters from happening, but I have the ability to help disaster victims to heal their mental wounds.

Since becoming a member of PCCN, the experience of providing counseling services

in disaster affected area has brought me a new perspective to understand the meaning of life.

To live is not only to survive but to bring hope to the people in need.

It is a bliss to have the ability to help others."

Apple Lo, Veteran Journalist

"Providing help to survivors is like casting a light to their lives, leading them through the shadow of darkness.

It is surely worth spending time and money to help them recover from pain and find happiness again."

Joey Wu, Merchandiser

We cannot stop natural disasters but we can arm ourselves with knowledge.

Petra Nemcova

"My deepest thanks go to all survivors who have walked through pain.

Thank you for showing me the brightest smiles I have ever seen when your mental wounds were healed."

William Pong, Company Director

43th Post Crisis Counselor Training (PCCT)

PCCT is a Lay-training designed for those who willingness to work hard and serve the traumatized people.

Over 670 students in Hong Kong has been trained since 2008. Most of the students were satisfied by the well-known

Harvard Case Learning Model training methodology and the content of the United Nations IASC's MHPSS in emergency settings guideline.

You may learn how to do psycho-assessment and psychotherapy for 80% of the post-traumatic person for

most of the traumatic incidents as well as how to protect yourself.

No matter you have strong academic background in counseling / psychology or NOT.

Language of instruction: Cantonese with English terminology.

Course Dates & Time: Commences on 29 Apr 2020 (Every Wednesday) 7pm to 10pm, total 14 sessions.

Application Deadline: 28 Apr 2020!